March 4, 2024

We've Expanded our WiFi & Telemetry Services to Safari parks

Today’s safari parks and wildlife reserves already use the SatADSL hotspot solution to offer tourists Wi-Fi during their safaris in remote areas. But satellite IP connectivity enables much more applications… Follow the guide!

SatADSL participated in a unique and extraordinary pilot application: satellite telemetry to track animals in Namibia and Kenya. This pilot was made possible with the support of the SATLAS project and in collaboration with the European Space Agency and the satellite operator SES.

The national safari parks of both countries wanted to be able to determine the number of animals, locate them for protection, monitor their movements, and quickly identify sick or abandoned ones. The application also provides an alarm signal if an animal leaves a specific area. All information is stored in the animal’s tracking device and then communicated to orbiting satellites. The multitude of data that can be collected makes satellite telemetry an efficient tool for scientific wildlife research.

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