March 4, 2024

neXat provides oil field off coast of Ghana with satellite internet connection to keep staff in constant communication

The decommissioning process of an oil field can be dangerous due to the risks that come with dismantling and disposing of equipment once used to produce oil. Communication within the team of workers decommissioning the production platform is crucial to ensure that the task is executed efficiently and safety, allowing no room for error.

Oilfield service contractor, Hans and Co. Oil and Gas Company, approached neXat’s long-term partner Ecoband Ltd with an important task to aid the decommissioning process of the Saltpond oil field in the Central Region of Ghana.

Ecoband Ltd were asked to design and implement a cost-effective, durable voice and data communications system, which would enable the staff working on the oil rig to keep in constant contact with the base at shore through audio calls and reliable internet access.

For help supplying the satellite internet connection to the oil field, Ecoband Ltd turned to neXat due to the existing strong relationship developed between the two companies. neXat also has a good reputation for providing strong results in the satellite industry and are dedicated to breaking barriers in situations like these. Ecoband Ltd is one of neXat’s oldest partner distributor internet service provider (ISP), therefore neXat was pleased to work with them on another important project.

Unlimited vouchers for Ka Services on YahSatAY3 – provided by neXat - meant that Hans and Co. were not bound to a long contract, as the service is built upon vouchers that last for up to 90 days. The oil rig platform is located several miles from the coast of Ghana, meaning that the very small aperture terminal (VSAT)equipment provided needed to be sustainable and resistant to adverse weather conditions.

The satellite connectivity provided by this technology allows the workers on the rig to make calls to those at the offshore base. This is crucial for the safety of all workers as miscommunication could result in disaster. The decommissioning of the rig during this project included the plugging of the wells from which oil was once drawn, which can be a dangerous process.

“We were pleased to have been approached by our long-term partner, Ecoband Ltd to provide the satellite internet connectivity for the staff working on the rig,” said neXat's  Founder & CEO, Caroline De Vos. “It was vital that this project was completed within a short timeframe from design to implementation, in an efficient and cost-effective manner. We’re proud that neXat’s mission to remove the barriers in the satellite connectivity marketplace by providing affordable and dependable IP services played a crucial role in this project.”

The successful implementation of the voice and communications solution has shown exceptional results, with the workforce able to hold daily operations meetings and make quick calls at short notice through the seamless connectivity on offer.

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